
Helping you

Assisting people through the aftermath of crime or trauma

Cardium Region Victim Services is a non-profit, police-based, community-supported society. We have adopted the Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime, based on the United Nations Declaration.

Our organization is also a member of the Alberta Police Based Victim Services Association, a non-profit organization representing all police based victim services programs within Alberta.

Victims of crime or tragic circumstances receive support, information and referrals to local community agencies and regional supports. Our professional staff and trained victim services volunteer Advocates meet with victims in person, in our office or on scene, or talk to them on the phone.

Working in partnership with and sponsored by the local RCMP, Cardium Region Victim Services serves communities within Drayton Valley and Evansburg RCMP detachment areas.

Our services are offered at no cost to the victim; they are confidential and available 24/7. Services include emotional support, practical assistance and help navigating the court system. Our goal is to help reduce the impact of trauma, both at the time of the crisis and over the long term. We strive to create a non-judgemental and supportive environment for those dealing with the aftermath of loss, tragedy or crime.

Victims programs governed by provincial legislation, such as Victim Impact Statements, Financial Benefits for Victims of Crime and Restitution Requests, can be accessed through Cardium Region Victim Services Program.

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